The solar industry continues to defy all expectations, forecasts,
records and detractors, here is what you should know.
The solar industry has been progressing in leaps and bounds for decades, with solar set to become the largest form of renewable energy in capacity in Europe within the next couple of years. Solar is already the cheapest form of energy in human history.
The sun is the source of all life on earth, a hydrogen fusion reactor providing clean energy in abundance. The first solar panel was built in 1883 by Charles Fritts in New York, he would be amazed to see how his invention has swept the world!
The development of manufacturing techniques, software for universal integration and standardized business models have all combined to create the most versatile, cost-effective and easiest form of renewable energy in existence.
The IEA has forecasted that solar will become Europe’s largest power source by capacity in Europe within the next five years. Solar energy is incredibly versatile, being used in a dizzying array of conditions and implementations.
Amazingly, solar power has reached a point where new solar plants are cheaper to run than existing coal plants.
On-site solar energy is the cheapest form of energy on the planet and the EU has multiple millions of m2 of unutilised roof space, just waiting to generate renewable energy. The strong trend of decreasing regulation and simplified incentives further accelerates the speed of adoption. The speed of adoption of renewable energy is crucial for the future habitability of our planet!
The ubiquity of solar, as with any growth industry, creates a plethora of actors and solutions on the market. It is critical to keep a high quality of workmanship, advanced technology for fire and electrical safety, as well as develop future-proof software for the grids of the near future; where 90%+ of energy comes from intermittent renewable sources.
"Solnets smart solar technology is ready for the decentralized grids of the near-future and Solnet’s track record of analysis, design, installation, and upkeep speaks for itself. Managing your solar installations as a fleet lets you operate an ever growing virtual solar power plant, allowing access to energy and grid service markets".