
Solnet Group: New Venture in Utility-Scale Solar

Solnet Group, renowned for its expertise in solar power, has now taken a significant leap by expanding into utility-scale solar projects. This new area of operation is crucial to Solnet Group's strategy to offer comprehensive and innovative solutions within the energy sector.

Solnet Group aims to serve both domestic and international investors, project developers, and energy companies looking to promote sustainable development and capitalize on investments in solar energy. The Utility-Scale unit provides a complete service package, from project development and permitting to engineering, installation, and maintenance. This ensures that every solar utility delivers long-term, cost-effective solutions that meet the highest environmental and quality standards in the industry.

Solar Park Development with Solnet Group's Model

Solnet Group specializes in Utility-Scale solar parks that differ from conventional property-specific solar installations in both size and operational model. A typical Utility-Scale solar park generates electricity for the national grid, with capacities ranging from tens to several hundred megawatts. These parks are often built on large plots of land, such as decommissioned fields, industrial wastelands, or deforested areas.

Solnet Group's project model covers the entire lifecycle of the project. It often starts with a client's interest in utilizing their land or investing capital in solar energy. The first phase involves project development, which includes preliminary studies, project planning, and obtaining the necessary permits. This phase is critical as it largely determines the project's profitability and feasibility.

The construction phase follows, where Solnet Group acts as an EPC contractor (Engineering, Procurement, Construction). This means Solnet Group is responsible for the project's design, procurement, and construction. The company handles the procurement of necessary solar panels, inverters, and other equipment, as well as the construction work itself. All of this is done in close collaboration with the client to ensure the outcome meets their needs and expectations.

After the solar park is completed, Solnet Group ensures its optimal operation throughout its lifecycle. "It's important for us to understand our customers' needs and ensure they get the highest return on their investment. Investing in quality during the construction phase pays off later, as maintenance costs remain low, and the park has a long lifespan. In the future, Solnet Group will also offer maintenance services for the parks," emphasizes Simo Hakkarainen, Head of Solnet Group's Utility-Scale business area.

Simo Hakkarainen: "Construction and Pilates Keep the Body and Mind Fit"

Simo Hakkarainen, who leads the company's utility-scale unit, brought extensive expertise in construction and technology projects when he joined Solnet Group in the spring 2024. Previously, Hakkarainen worked at Peikko Group, a Finnish family business, where he was responsible for international frame business. He has over 20 years of experience in engineering, sales, and business management.
When asked what motivated him to join Solnet Group, his answer was clear: a desire to try something new and challenge himself professionally. "I wanted to move from something safe and familiar to new challenges. The solar industry is rapidly changing, and I want to be part of that development. Additionally, ecological thinking and the opportunity to bring construction expertise into solar were decisive factors in my decision."

Hakkarainen notes that the solar sector is in transition, and development is advancing faster than ever before. "It's fascinating to be involved in an industry where innovations and technological breakthroughs are constantly happening."

In his free time, Hakkarainen enjoys outdoor activities, various construction projects, and spending time with his family. "Construction has always been close to my heart, and it's a nice counterbalance to work. I've been practicing Pilates for four to five years now. It helps keep the body and mind in shape."

Paloheimo Project: Sustainable Development and an Attractive Investment Opportunity

One of the most significant ongoing projects for Solnet Group is a collaboration with the Paloheimo Group. The goal of the Paloheimo project is to create a significant concentration of solar power plants in the Riihimäki, Tuusula, and Hausjärvi areas, producing environmentally friendly energy for local needs and attracting investors from both Finland and abroad.

The Paloheimo project utilizes advanced technologies that enhance the intelligence and safety of the solar park. "For example, we use panel-level optimization, which enables remote monitoring and troubleshooting of individual panels. This not only increases the efficiency of the solar park but also its fire safety – the park can be quickly de-energized if necessary," Hakkarainen explains.

Solar park projects can be implemented using the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) model, where the electricity produced is sold directly to entities in need, such as industrial companies. This model is particularly attractive to investors seeking secure and long-term investment opportunities in renewable energy. "The PPA model enables a high return on capital with fewer risks. In addition, we offer our customers the opportunity to optimize energy production and ensure the solar park's functionality far into the future," says Hakkarainen.

Future Prospects in the Solar Park Sector

The importance of solar energy in Finland's energy production is expected to grow significantly in the future. Although there are currently a few Utility-Scale solar parks in Finland, the market holds enormous potential. "We are still in the early stages, but we already see clear signs that solar parks will become a central part of Finland's green transition and energy self-sufficiency. Solar-generated electricity is affordable and ecological, and Finland offers excellent conditions for building these parks – we have a vast grid network, plenty of free land, and a long duration of sunny periods," Hakkarainen envisions.

According to Hakkarainen, Solnet Group aims to become a significant player in the industrial-scale solar power sector both in Finland and internationally.

"Solnet Group has a long history of building onsite solar power plants, and we have already completed over a thousand such projects. Now we want to expand our expertise and offer comprehensive solutions in industrial-scale solar parks as well. Initially, we are focusing on the Finnish market, but in the future, we see opportunities to expand internationally, especially in Europe, where solar park construction is already booming."

ESG and SSI Commitments

As part of its commitment to responsible business, Solnet Group is strongly committed to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, which involve adhering to sustainable development, social responsibility, and good governance in all its operations. Solnet Group's strategy emphasizes ecological and social responsibility, which is evident in the development of energy-efficient solutions and operational transparency.

Solnet Group is also the first Finnish company to participate in Solar Power Europe's Solar Stewardship Initiative (SSI), which supports transparency and responsibility throughout the entire supply chain. The SSI has defined comprehensive standards that combine international standards with industry and regulatory requirements, creating a sustainable development model tailored to the solar energy industry.

These standards are used as benchmarks in third-party audits, assessing how well companies adhere to sustainability, environmental, social, and governance principles in the solar energy supply chain. This commitment strengthens Solnet Group's position as a responsible player in its field and ensures that its projects support long-term sustainable development.

Joanna Viileinen,
Head of Marketing and Communication